In 2020, the Toronto Sign Reimagination Unit installed a heritage plaque in Christie Pits Park to commemorate Rose, a wild turkey who briefly captured the hearts of the neighborhood. Rose, affectionately nicknamed by locals as Giblet, Christie, Tom, and Murray, was a female eastern American turkey who wandered the laneways and green spaces of the area between 2018 and 2019. Her surprising presence in an urban setting became a charming local story, sparking curiosity and smiles among residents.

The plaque not only celebrates Rose’s time in the neighborhood but also highlights the fascinating history of wild turkeys in Ontario. Extirpated from the province by 1902, wild turkeys were reintroduced in the 1980s and have gradually reclaimed some of their natural habitats. Rose’s unexpected appearance served as a reminder of nature’s resilience and ability to adapt, even in the bustling city.

The nice folks at BlogTO did this story about the plaque when it originally appeared in summer 2020.